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The following story is fiction about spanking and humiliation of two boys.  The story contains scenes of spanking.  If this subject is offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now.  This is not a happy story.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.  Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.

The author would appreciate your comments – pro and con, including constructive criticism, and suggestions.  Please take a moment to email.

Improper Experiment


Everyone left the bus on the school trip to have fun in the big grass field in the park.  Last to disembark were fourteen-year-old Johnny and his brother twelve-year-old Tommy who were just wearing collars with leashes held by their father.  The other children had been told that their classmates had been very naughty so they were being punished and were encouraged to inspect and taunt them.  This they were doing very well especially the girls who were concentrating on comparing their boy parts and commenting on size, hair and firmness as well as their musculature.  The boys were quite mortified and things were just getting started.

After a while their dad led them to a bench and required them to bend over and spread ‘em so that he could insert a thermometer and, incidentally, let the others examine their butt holes.  That done, the man sat and pulled Johnny over his lap and proceeded to throughly spank him.  All watched closely as his tail turned red and he broke into tears in response to the pain from the many hard spanks.

Tommy was unhappy that he was next but there wasn’t any escape.  Just a minute later he replaced his brother over his father’s lap and gave the same performance.  Again, their temperatures were embarrassingly recorded and they were left at the mercy of their schoolmates with their hot glowing buns now of greater interest.

A couple of times they were made to get down on all fours and behave like dogs.  With time the tormenting inspectors got bored and drifted off one by one to play other games providing a more subtle sort of humiliation.  The two were never allowed any respite.

When it was time to return to school the students were called, counted and reboarded the bus.  After the kids returned to their classrooms the Professor then addressed his PSYCH-101 students as the bus took them back to the University.© YLeeCoyote

You have been observing this experiment since this morning.  Beside your personal observations the physiological data from the subject’s collars and the cams in the park are available as indicated on the assignment sheet.  The question to be discussed is what has a significant effect on the subjects’ humiliation feelings as they were treated as lab specimens.  Perhaps age, pubescence, nudity and reduction in status among other things are factors.

Please note that the answer is NOT definitive as indicated by the varied conclusions in the several studies referenced.  The object of this assignment is the procedure used to understand the issues and to make you skeptical of dogmatism.

In your reports, be sure to reference the experimental data and indicate how your personal observations interacted with the recorded data.  They are due in six weeks.

The students had trouble believing they heard a professor expressing any doubt about his subject.

The End

© Copyright A.I.L. January 16, 2022

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Last updated:  September 15, 2023