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In the Male-Male Spanking Archive St. George introduced Camp Spanko which spawned several derivative stories.  This one is Terry's application essay explaining why she should be allowed to attend.  At the end there is the link to her diary which reports her experiences at the Camp.  This story contains scenes of spanking and strapping.  If these subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now.

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I Want to Go to Camp Spanko to Make Things Fair


Name: TerryAge: 12Sex: Tomboy

I want to go to Camp Spanko to make things fair.  My 'rents are not fair because they spank both my older and younger brothers but barely yell at me for exactly the same kind of naughty behavior.  Now that Jas is fifteen he even gets the strap on his bare bottom in front of the whole family with his pants and undies about his ankles even though he's got a bush and is proud that he does cry anymore (well, not very often).  Dax who is just eleven still gets spanked laying over Dad's lap on his bare tail like Jas did until last year.  They get spanked for all sorts of stuff like skipping chores, coming home late (especially if there is a family dinner with guests), notes from school and even getting muddy just playing about.  Mom just talks to me about behaving better.

I hang with my bros and their friends a lot although there is a pack of boys my age that I also run about with.  None of them care that I'm a little different for I can throw and catch balls just like they do.  I can wrestle too and often win fairly if the other boy is about my weight.  And I don't play with silly dolls like Barbie and Ked although I liked those action figures like GI Joe our 'rents got my brothers but not me.  One of my favorite things is going skinny dipping with the other boys.  It makes me feel so free.  In other words, I can be a good all-around camper as well as for the spanking part.

I guess it's right that Jas gets harder chores, like mowing the grass, to do now that he's bigger and stronger but they don't tell me to water the lawn but pick my little weaker smaller brother to it.  Me, I'm told to load the dishwasher or fold the laundry.  Ugh!

Let us all come back muddy from something, my brothers have to strip outside, get hosed down and then get spanked or strapped right out in the yard.  But for me Mom rushes out and holds a towel around me while I get out of my t-shirt and jeans and bundles me off to the bathroom for a hot shower telling me that I mustn't do it again.

It just NOT fair!!!© YLeeCoyote

But I feel so guilty and it is worse because my brothers get their tails roasted for the same offences.  I want to go to Camp Spanko so I can get spanked and stop feeling guilty and my brothers will respect me more.  I know that it hurts but so does some of the rough and tumble play I've done with them.

I understand at Camp Spanko that spankings are done in public and that is OK with me.  I've told you I've skinny dipped with my brothers and their friends and mine and I'm not shy or afraid.  They have made sure that I know how to discourage a guy who wants something he ain't suppose to have.  I know that from watching my brothers get it as well as hearing from their friends, that right after the spanking starts, they don't care at all about who is seeing their junk but the fire building in their butt.

BTW, I hope that you record all the spanking so that I can show my brothers how well I took them.  Even if I do cry it would still show them that I got SPANKED for real like they have.

Read Terry's Camp Spanko Diary

© Copyright A.I.L. August 31, 2012

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Last updated:  September 15, 2023