Billy has been calling Valerie three times a week since their first meeting asking for a date but she has been declining each time. She repeatedly asked him not to call but after a few days he would start again. Then one day he hit the jackpot for she said “Yes.” He dreamed about being with her once again. Sometimes he was even spanked in those dreams but they were still good although he did not understand why.© Y Lee Coyote
Then came the day. He had wanted to get dressed up but she had asked him to be informal and since it was hot suggested shorts or cutoffs and a simple tee or polo shirt. He decided on the more formal shorts and polo shirt. When he picked her up, she explained that they had a party to go to. Billy felt so young and small for she was just as impressively dressed as when he saw her the first time on the subway. A short while later they were greeted by Hank who was the host.
It immediately became evident that it was just a party just for three. Valerie said that Hank would explain. Billy would not be happy with what he heard.
“Billy you have been a very naughty boy pestering Valerie with request after request for a date after she repeatedly told you to stop and leave her alone.”
Billy interrupted and tried to apologize and leave but was not allowed to. That was a simple matter since both Valerie and Hank were much bigger and stronger. As we know she was truly a giantess – close to seven feet213 cm tall. Hank was only 6′4″193 cm but on the JV wrestling team with the necessary muscles even though he was just a sixteen-year-old sophomore. Additionally, he was gay and lusted for smaller boys but never went near those underage opting for the smallest guys who were of age or him.
“To continue, as I was saying, you have been very naughty and thus earned a spanking which I am going to give you right now.” Billy’s objections were totally ignored as Hank easily manhandled him so as to strip him stark naked.
Hank didn’t bother to leg lock the shrimp who he easily flipped over his lap to spank like naughty little boys who are spanked by those in charge. The muscular wrestler spanked hard so that each and every spank caused Billy to howl. Soon he was bawling and his ass was glowing bright red from the novas that were ignited inside.
As soon as Billy was lifted up, he hugged his spanker and continued to cry on his shoulder saying “I’m sorry.” repeatedly and quite oblivious to the rest of the world. Hank was providing the normal aftercare given to children.
“He’s quite perfect except for some extraneous hair, thanks for bringing him to me.” said Hank to Valerie as he comforted the shrimp.
“Turn him around and I’ll fix that right now.” she replied. She had come prepared with an electric shaver that removed Billy’s pubes and axillary hair in just seconds without Billy being totally aware. “I’ll be going now. Have fun with your legal little lad.” she finished and left.
Hank did exactly that. He cuddled and cooed at the crying youth telling him that “If he didn’t want to be spanked he must behave properly.” He added a few chaste kisses which soon became mouth to mouth and eventually French kisses. Billy immediately liked his new experience.
It wasn’t long after that Hank carried Billy to his bed where he overwhelmed the older, but less experienced boy who could not help but to return the affection. We need not get into details but Billy surrendered his cherry while enthusiastically enveloped by the strong arms of Hank.
In a short time Billy found that his fantasies had changed and he was thinking more about Hank and all the affection they shared which was what he had really been missing. Hank was delighted that he found a little boy who sometimes needed spankings both of the good and bad boy types and other attention.